A good business mind can turn purpose into a passion business or “passion work”, as my friend puts it. Good business minds find ways to do more “passion work,” while creating an exchange of value with others.Passion work is the work that makes you come alive.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman
You can find your passion work by blending your purpose and what you would do for free, with what people would pay you for.Personally, I found a way to breathe new life into my work by striving to continuously answer the following question:
“What do I want to spend more time doing?”
I also found a way to do more passion work by living my values. This helps me be more of me, and bring more of me, wherever I go.
I’ve learned to really appreciate and respect the power of a business mind.Passion and purpose are one thing, but building a strong business mind can help you recognize, identify, and pay attention to opportunities and value.A well-trained business mind is skilled at creating and capturing value.A well-trained business mind also knows how to think in terms of systems, sustainability and growth.